June 2020 Newsletter
Celebrating 10 Years and Dealing with the COVID-19 Crisis
In these uncertain and stressful times, Kinetic River hopes that you and your family are staying healthy. The Kinetic River team is doing well. In fact, we recently celebrated our tenth anniversary. It is amazing to look back over the last ten years and see how much we have grown. We have more exciting news to share from the first half of 2020, including yet another new patent! Read on to see what we have been up to over the last few months.
Kinetic River Celebrates 10 Years
It has been an incredible ten years—the company has grown significantly in that time and has much to be proud of. As we look back, we are humbled by the growth we have achieved and our impact in the field. We recently outlined our journey over the last ten years in a blog post and hope you will take a minute to look back with us!
In the uncertainty that the COVID-19 pandemic brings—not to mention the recent demonstrations—we are grateful for the foundation Kinetic River has established. We look forward to working through the challenges within our control, overcoming the latest obstacles, and continuing to grow. Here’s to the next ten years! See the full story here>
News & Updates
Kinetic River Invited to Speak at the National Institutes of Health
On December 12, 2019, Dr. Giacomo Vacca, Kinetic River’s founder and President, gave an invited talk at the NIH Flow Cytometry User Group Winter 2019 Meeting. In a talk entitled Innovative Time-Resolved Approaches to Flow Cytometry, Dr. Vacca presented on several recent advances from Kinetic River’s R&D team.
Download a PDF of the talk here >
Kinetic River Installs Shasta Custom Fluidics Module
Kinetic River recently installed the Shasta, a custom-designed fluidics module, in William Telford´s lab at the National Cancer Institute. The Shasta module, tailored to Dr. Telford´s specific requirements, is a custom add-on to the custom Potomac system already in use in his lab.
Kinetic River and E.M.C2 Deepen Partnership
We recently hosted Gianni Contini from our European partner CytoflowService (a division of E.M.C2). During his visit to our lab, we were able to exchange knowledge and deepen our partnership.
Read more about Gianni’s visit here>
Kinetic River Receives Ninth Patent
Kinetic River was recently issued U.S. Patent No. 10,564,088, Particle analysis and sorting apparatus and methods. Coming on the heels of U.S. Patent No. 10,488,343, issued just a few months ago, this makes a total of nine issued patents for Kinetic River (eight in the U.S. and one in China). Read more about our latest patent.
Recent Events
Squeezing More Out of Light: Innovative Approaches to Time-Resolved Flow Cytometry
Kinetic River founder and President Giacomo Vacca presented a webinar on May 19 to discuss time-resolved methods of flow cytometry. This webinar addressed recent advances that have enabled the measurement of fluorescence lifetime in flow cytometry and discussed some of the novel applications that this technique enables. Watch the recorded webinar here >
Latest Innovations in Flow Cytometry
On June 10th, Kinetic River founder and President Giacomo Vacca presented a webinar on some of the progress Kinetic River has made over the past year. He discussed some of our most exciting recent innovations in flow cytometry instrumentation, including our modular, fully customizable analyzer (Potomac), label-free cancer cell discrimination (Tiber), automated autofluorescence removal (Colorado), and a 12-color, compensation-free system (Arno).
CYTO 2020
CYTO 2020: Cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic
While we will miss seeing all our friends and colleagues, we realize that ISAC made the wise decision, putting the safety of the flow cytometry community above all else. We were looking forward to sharing the latest developments with you in person in our talks, our posters, and at our booth.
Alternative Ways to Share our Results with You
In the absence of CYTO 2020, Kinetic River is still finding ways to share our latest results with all of you. This includes our webinar sponsored by Photonics Media (see above). We would also be pleased to share our latest results and advances with you and your colleagues in a private remote information session. If interested, please contact us at info@kineticriver.com .