Kinetic River is Hosting a Webinar
We are pleased to be hosting a free webinar on the use of ultrasensitive flowcytometry for the study of exosomes and extracellular vesicles. Hosted by Kinetic River president and founder Dr. Giacomo Vacca (photo above, right), the webinar will showcase the unique capabilities of the Delaware, and will include a talk by Dr. Christopher Ward (photo above, left), Professor at the Kansas University Medical Center, on the development of an assay to diagnose and monitor the progression of polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The assay involves the rapid and sensitive detection of disease-related proteins in urinary exosomes, which is right up the Delaware‘s alley.
Sponsored by SelectBIO, the webinar will take place Thursday, March 7 at 8:30am Pacific Time (11:30am Eastern, 5:30pm CET). We hope to see you there! Find out more and register here.