Kinetic River Gives Virtual Talk on the Delaware
It has been a busy week for the Kinetic River team. If you’ve been following us, you know we are at ISEV 2023 (the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles annual meeting) in Seattle and CYTO 2023 (the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry annual meeting) in Montréal and that the two shows overlap. This means we’ve had to split the team to be able to attend both.
Not only is Kinetic River Founder and President Giacomo Vacca attending both conferences, but he also gave a virtual remote talk to the 41st National Cytometry Conference in Naples Italy (in Italian!).
The talk, entitled “Delaware Flow NanoCytometer™: Ultrasensitive Detection of Nanoparticles” discusses the capabilities of the system in the analysis of nanoparticles, including exosomes and extracellular vesicles.