Enabling Cutting-Edge Biomedical Research: An Interview
Watch this interview to learn more about how Kinetic River technology makes innovative biomedical research possible.
Our Founder and President Dr. Giacomo Vacca talks with Javier Ruiz from JKI about enabling cutting-edge flow cytometry research. JKI is a consulting firm specializing in complex software for scientific products.
Recently, Kinetic River partnered with JKI to develop our Panama software for data acquisition and visualization.
During the interview, Javier asks Dr. Vacca what advice he has for people looking to innovate in bioscience.
Here is Dr. Vacca’s response:
“There’s no shortage of interesting ideas that need to be explored and need to be commercialized. So, there’s certainly lots of room.
The question is: Do you also have in place the things that are necessary to make your venture successful?
And it’s not just the technology idea. It’s execution, making sure you have the finances, you have a business plan. So, understanding how you’re going to make money, even in the early days, before the technology is fully commercialized. So, all of those pieces need to be in place in order for a venture to be successful.“
Hear more of Dr. Vacca’s insights: View the video here.